Our Perfect Gift Guarantee

At CustomPrintHaus, we're committed to making sure every gift you choose is just right. If your gift isn't in perfect condition for any reason, we've got you covered with our Perfect Gift Guarantee. Here's how it works:

  1. Full Refund or Free Replacement: If your gift arrives with any misprints, incorrect sizing, or alignment issues, just let us know. We'll make it right with a full refund or a free replacement. It's your choice!

  2. 365-Day Reprint Guarantee: We want your prints to be perfect. If there's an issue, you have a full 365 days from the date you receive your print to request a reprint.

  3. Exclusions: We strive for perfection, but sometimes mistakes happen during the ordering process. Please note that we can't offer refunds for prints ordered with incorrect information or files uploaded incorrectly. This is because each of our prints is uniquely made to order.

  4. Need Help? Chat With Us: Got questions or need assistance? We're just a click away! Use the "Chat with us" button below for any inquiries or support.

We're here to ensure your gift-giving experience is nothing short of perfect!

See our shipping details here.